To give you a clearer idea about our services, the wealth of functionality that you will receive, and what it looks like once you host your domains with us, here are some screenshots of our easy-to-use Control Panel (known as CPanel)
The Control Panel, known as CPanel, is your gateway to all OneWebKing's facilities.
To easily keep a copy of your site in case something goes wrong, use these backup tools and within moments create archive copies of your entire CPanel configuration and website files.
It's easy to work out how to clean up your web space by using the online Disk Usage Viewer.
Grant your web designer access to your Control Panel, and your website facilities, without giving them control of your all-important email.
There are 51, and counting, applications available for you, installed on your website and immediately usable within a matter of mouse clicks, when you use the Fantastico installer page. Have a website up and running, literally, in minutes!
Now all the hype has died down, we can get on with work! Ruby on Rails is included with your OneWebKing service.
Manage your MySQL databases from anywhere using this handy graphical online tool.
Effortlessly create MySQL tables using the PhpMyAdmin table view.
Insert data to any table using the PhpMyAdmin browse table view.